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Let's start smashing your goals

In my 25 years in fitness I learned to understand the psychological facts why most people join gyms and most gyms don’t understand these facts because they only think about the physical or financial aspect of a person. 1. Health and longevity 2. Weight loss management 3. Strength and muscle gain 4. Stress relief 5. Increase energy 6. Improve athletic performance 7. Flexibility and mobility 8. Self discipline and routine 9. Community and social interaction 10. Aesthetics. At OneBell my team is trained and equipped to meet whatever your expectations are, our focus is your wants and needs that ultimately becomes your fitness goals.


Work Out In Peace

  • Private Gym Access
  • 3-Month Commitment

*Price: $125/Month All memberships are subject to a $199 enrollment and processing fee.


Fast-Track Results, No Excuse

  • Your personal trainer is your membership
  • You have 24/7 full access to the gym
  • No gym membership, no monthly fees
  • This membership is for people on the go need to get in and ready to work ! Don’t have a lot of time and surely no time to waste.
  • Trained 2-5 times a week at your own preference with your trainer.

*Price Details to Be Discussed with the Sales Rep


Eliminate Trial and Error

  • Private Gym Access
  • Monthly Fitness Assessment with Program Design

* Price: $155/Month All memberships are subject to a $199 enrollment and processing fee.

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male and female giving a hi-fi

Limited Memberships, Maximum Peace of Mind

At OneBell we create a safe place where you can socialize and not be distracted by big crowds or feel overwhelmed. Our membership system only allows 8 new gym members a month and 12 new training members a month to join. This system keeps a peaceful culture and crowd control. Training is our priority at OneBell which provides personal training, private boxing,  one-on-one  Pilates Reformer training, and kettle bell training. We guarantee there is no better option than One Bell to have a fun, safe, and private fitness experience. 

The Onebell Experience

If you’re ready for change, one bell fitness is the Gym- your path to becoming the best version of yourself don’t matter your age, your level of fitness. One thing we know, we are not getting younger and time don’t wait for anyone, so take charge of the time you have now- break that habit of hesitation. We don’t wish and day dream at Onebell. Our clients understand that their physique and weight is a physical manifestation of their MINDSET & TIME. At Onebell we hold ourselves accountable at the highest level and we require our clients to do the same. If you’re going to achieve your fitness goal it requires real personal growth. We encourage our clients to be part of 1% and do what the other 99% won’t. You only have one life to live, one body to be proud of. Join Onebell, start your training and finish the damn thing!

The Process

1. Physical Measurements:

  • Height and Weight: Measure height and weight to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI).
  • Body Composition: Assess body fat percentage using methods like skinfold measurements or bioelectrical impedance.
  • Circumference Measurements: Measure waist, hip, chest, and other relevant body circumferences to track changes.

2. Cardiovascular Fitness:

  • Cardiovascular Endurance: Conduct a cardiovascular fitness test like a timed run, step test, or the use of cardio equipment.
  • Heart Rate: Monitor heart rate during and after exercise to assess recovery.

3. Muscular Strength and Endurance:

  • Strength Assessment: Test the individual’s strength with exercises like push-ups, squats, or bench presses.
  • Endurance Assessment: Measure muscular endurance through exercises like plank, wall sits, or bodyweight squats.

4. Flexibility and Range of Motion:

  • Flexibility Tests: Assess flexibility using tests like the sit-and-reach or shoulder flexibility test.
  • Joint Range of Motion: Evaluate the range of motion in major joints.

5. Posture and Movement Analysis:

  • Postural Assessment: Observe the individual’s posture and identify any imbalances or issues.
  • Movement Patterns: Analyze basic movement patterns such as squatting, lunging, and bending to detect any deficiencies.